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Streamlit data visualization


Streamlit is an open-source Python library that makes it easy to create and share beautiful, custom web apps for machine learning and data science. In just a few minutes you can build and deploy powerful data apps.


Streamlit can be installed with conda (or [micro]mamba) and pip, as follows:

Create environment and activate:

# Create ENV
conda create --name streamlit_app python=3.5 pip

# Activate env
conda activate strealit_app

Create environment and activate:

# Create ENV
mamba create --name streamlit_app python=3.5 pip

# Activate env
mamba activate strealit_app

Download package:

pip install streamlit


streamlit hello

Key concepts

Running the app

Streamlit creates a local server as soon as you run the script with the following command:

streamlit run [-- script args]

This command will open a new tab in your default web browser.

Build the app

Let's imagine that is like a canvas. In this canvas you can build the components as you prefer.


These components are necessary to structure the app. We have 5 layout components:

  • st.container: It divides the canvas in containers

    import streamlit as st
    cont1 = st.container()
    with cont1:
        st.write("This is a text on container 1")
    ## is equivalent to: 
    cont1.write("This is another text on container 1")
  • st.sidebar : It allows to add object to the sidebar.

    import streamlit as st
    with st.sidebar:
    ## is equivalent to:
  • st.columns : It divides the container or the canvas in columns.

    import steamlit st
    col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
    ## or you can specify the ratio and the gap
    col1, col2 = st.columns([0.3, 0.7], gap='small')
    with col1:
        st.write("this is column 1")
    col2.write("this is column 2")
  • st.expander : it adds an expander in the canva

    import streamlit as st
    with st.expander("This is the title of the expander", expanded=True)
        st.write("this is the content of the expander")

In Streamlit there are several ways of writing text in the app:

  • st.text : Write fixed-width and preformatted text.
  • st.markdown : string formatted as Markdown, it can also read html string (although it is considered unsafe)

    import streamlit as st
                <h2>This is heading 2</h2>
                This is paragraph 1 
  • st.code : renders code as text

  • st.latex : reads latex syntax, useful for math expressions.
  • st.divider : adds a horizontal line that divides the area of the container/column etc
  • st.title, st.header, st.caption, st.subheader : self-explanatory.

Streamlit is optimize for visualize Data quickly, interactively, and from multiple different angles. You can use several functions:

  • Data
    • st.dataframe : it reads and renders a Pandas dataframe
    • st.metric : it returns a KPI specified by the user
    • st.table : it returns a table
    • st.json : it returns a box with a json that can be copied by the user at certain level.

Streamlite has also built in wrapper for several package used to plot dynamically the data, some of them are:

  • Charts
    • st.line_chart, st.area_chart, st.bar_chart
    • st.pyplot : wrapper of matplotlib pyplot.
    • st.plotly : wrapper of plotly, create interactive and dynamic plots.

Streamlit let you go through your data dynamically. This can be done through the use of button, selectors, several types of inputs or via file uploader.

  • st.button: Simple button that return a Boolean (False, True) if clicked or not - can be used as a condition in if statements.
  • st.selectbox: Dropdown menu that can be selected. Returns the string of the option selected.
  • st.slider, st.checkbox.

Streamlit allows to return messages to the user in some specific cases. i.e. if the user needs to produce a plot by selecting some data, the message should appear only if the selection is not made.

import streamlit as st

selection = st.selectbox("This is the title of the selectbox",  ("Select Option", "Option0", "option1", "option2"))

if selection == "Select Option":"please select an option")
        You selected {option}

Types of message statuses:

  • : Returns a blue box with some info.
  • st.error : Returns a red box with error info.
  • st.warning : Returns a yellow box.
  • st.success: Returns a green box.




  • Federica Brando