Mutect2 is a variant caller that calls somatic SNVs and indels via local assembly of haplotypes. It is included into Genome Analysis Toolkit a collection of command-line tools for analyzing high-throughput sequencing data with a primary focus on variant discovery.
It can be used with two modes:
- tumor-normal mode where a tumor sample is matched with a normal sample in analysis.
- tumor-only mode where a single sample's alignment data undergoes analysis
To run Mutect2, the program required the following files:
-Tumor bam file. -Normal bam file. (Only required in the tumor-normal mode) -reference file in fasta format.
Mutect2 does not require a germline resource nor a panel of normals (PoN) to run, although both are recommended. -germline resource: -panel of normals vcf file. To create a PoN, call on each normal sample in this mode, then use CreateSomaticPanelOfNormals to generate the PoN.
(i) Tumor with matched normal
gatk Mutect2 \
-R reference.fa \
-I tumor.bam \
-I normal.bam \
-normal normal_sample_name \
--germline-resource af-only-gnomad.vcf.gz \
--panel-of-normals pon.vcf.gz \
-O somatic.vcf.gz
(ii) Tumor-only mode
gatk Mutect2 \
-R reference.fa \
-I sample.bam \
--germline-resource af-only-gnomad.vcf.gz \
--panel-of-normals pon.vcf.gz \
-O single_sample.vcf.gz
Best Practises¶
Mutect2 can be also used together with other GATK tools for complete workflows. Check for Best Practices Workflows
Somatic short variant discovery workflow includes the following steps:
- Call candidate variants: Mutect2
- Calculate Contamination:
- Learn Orientation Bias Artifacts
- Filter Variants
- Mutect2 official webpage
- Joan Enric