Edit BBG-Wiki¶
The main language of the wiki documentation is Markdown. There are several online editors which can help writting Markdown text and automatically visualize what is being written.
This wiki is stored in a GitHub repository, where each section of the wiki corresponds to a single Markdown file (*.md
). By editing these files either online or locally, the wiki can be updated by everyone.
Go to the bbg-wiki repository and edit any file inside the docs/
folder, which contains all the files of the documentation.
Clone the bbgwiki repository locally:
Error: My Github password seems to be wrong somehow...
It might be the case that at some point of this process, it asks for the Github user and password. However, although you should introduce your Github user, the password that it asks is not your Github password. In order to know what to introduce here, you need to generate a
ssh key
following one of these two options:-
From the Github web:
- Go to Github and login
- Click on your profile on the top right
- Settings > Developer settings (bottom option of the left bar) > Personal access tokens > Generate new token
- Introduce your Github password
- Check all the boxes of the checklist
- Click "Generate token".
- Copy the generated key (looks like a bunch of random letters) and paste it in your terminal where it previously asked for the password.
From the terminal:
- Execute the command:
- Click "Enter" on all the options (unless you want to save the key in a specific file, but it is not mandatory)
- Execute the next command to see the generated key (if you selected a specific file, change the
in the command by the name you inputed).
- Copy the output and paste it in your terminal where it previously asked for the password.
Open the desired
file with any IDE you prefer (vscode, pycharm, atom, etc) or any online editors above-mentioned. -
Check if you are happy with the edits by running the website at localhost (to try stuff before updating the main web) with the following:
Update web:
- Carlos López-Elorduy
- Federica Brando