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SLURM is an open source, fault-tolerant, and highly scalable cluster management and job scheduling system for large and small Linux clusters.


With SLURM commands you can SUBMIT and MANAGE jobs in the cluster.


There are 3 major command to submit jobs:

  • sbatch : Submits a batch script for later execution
  • srun : Obtain a job allocation and execute an application
  • salloc : Obtain a job allocation

Use interactive!

Instead of using the above mentioned commands, you can use interactive, a in-house command that allows to allocate resources in the cluster. More reference here

$ interactive -h 
Usage: interactive [-c] [-m] [-w] [-J] [-x]

Optional arguments:
    -c: number of CPU cores (default: 1)
    -m: total amount of memory (GB) (default: 8 [GB])
    -w: target node
    -J: job name
    -x: binary that you want to run interactively
    -p: specify queue

1. salloc

Allows you to allocate the resources that you need on the cluster.

salloc [OPTIONS]

The options are plenty and can be inspected by typing salloc --help command.


salloc -w bbgn004 -J my_cool_job --mem-per-cpu=4GB
It's asking to allocate 4GB of memory on node bbgn004 for a job named "my_cool_job"

2. srun

Submits an application for immediate execution. The command is interactive, it will output on the terminal that runs it and it is blocking, this means that you cannot use the terminal where you srun command.



echo "$(date +'%r') This is a dummy script"
sleep 5s
echo "$(date +'%r') Bye"

Then you can run the application with the following:

$ srun 
srun: job 8725263 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 8725263 has been allocated resources
06:33:32 PM This is a dummy script
06:33:37 PM Bye

3. sbatch

Submits a batch script for later execution. You need a batch script and a set of parameters. There are a fair amount of parameters that can be inspected with the following command:

sbatch -h or sbatch -u

An example of batch script is the following:


#SBATCH --time=00:30:00
#SBATCH -c 8
#SBATCH --mem 16gb
#SBATCH -J my_job_name

# Load the module environment suitable for the job
conda activate my_env

# And finally run the job​
srun ./ 
srun ./

Then you can submit the job as follows:

sbatch <my_job_script>

This will send to the cluster a job with 8 cores and 16GB of RAM named my_job_name and with a time limit of 30mins.

Use qmap!

Do you need to run parallel jobs in the cluster? You can use an in-house package called qmap, that allows you to let SLURM decide where and which node to use to run the commands with basic template file. More info here

Another method to submit more jobs to the cluster is to use SLURM array jobs. The setup of these jobs is virtually similar to a regular SLURM job, but with the difference that a `SLURM_JOB_

#SBATCH --job-name=example_jobname
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --array=1-1425%30
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --mem=8gb
#SBATCH --output output/outfile-%j.out



1. squeue

In order to see the queue status of the cluster and what is going on in the nodes, you can access the list with the general command:


You can also specify some parameters:

  • --user $USER will show only your JOBS
  • --job=$JOB_ID will show only the JOBS listed with their JOB_Id
  • --states=[RUNNING] will show only RUNNING jobs.

Full list of parameters can be seen with squeue --help command.

2. scancel

scancel [job_id]

You can specify some parameters:

  • -A will act only on jobs charging this account
  • -state=PENDING will act only on PENDING jobs
  • -u will act only on jobs of this user

Full list of parameters can be seen with scancel --help command.

What about canceling more than one job?

SPOILER ALERT! You can! You can either list all the jobs one after the other.

scancel job_id1 job_id2 job_id3

If your jobs are sequencially you can use:

scancel {job_id1...job_id3}

In this case also job_id2 will be deleted


  • Federica Brando