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The interactive command gives to the user an interactive shell in the cluster with slurm allocation. In other words, it allocates the user to a specific node of the cluster so that the jobs can be executed there without disturbing the rest of the users.


There is a difference between running an interactive session within the BBGCluster or the IRB Cluster. Please select the tab accordingly to where you are working.

Once you enter the bbgcluster, you will see in the terminal <username>@login01. It is here where, if you want to be allocated to your own node, you can just run the command:

$ interactive

If the login01 has changed to bbgn### where ### is the number identifying the current node.

Apart from the basic use, there are optional arguments/flags for extra features:

  • -c: Number of CPU cores (default: 1)
  • -m: Total amount of memory (GB) (default: 8 [GB])
  • -w: Target node
  • -J: Job name
  • -x: Binary that you want to run interactively
  • -p: specify queue (see queues)

In order to run interactive command in the IRB cluster you need to tell your terminal where to find it first.


The interactive script is located here: /data/bbg/software/bin/interactive. In order to have it always available from wherever directory you want to run it, you need to add the following to your .bashrc

    export PATH=/home/$USER/.local/bin/:/data/bbg/software/bin/:$PATH

Once you enter the irbcluster, you will see in the terminal <username>@irblogin01. Here is where you'd need to allocate desired resources to start working. The command to run is the following:

$ interactive

If the irblogin01 has changed to irbcn## where ### is the number identifying the current node.

Apart from the basic use, there are optional arguments/flags for extra features:

  • -c: Number of CPU cores (default: 1)
  • -m: Total amount of memory (GB) (default: 8 [GB])
  • -w: Target node
  • -J: Job name
  • -x: Binary that you want to run interactively
  • -p: specify queue (see queues) (default: bbg_cpu_zen4)
  • -q: specify the QoS (see slides)


  • Federica Brando
  • Jordi Deu-Pons
  • Miguel Grau
  • Carlos López-Elorduy